Tuesday, June 8, 2010

what is that so called life

wondering for so long and no conclusions yet...

what is this LIFE...
all of the so called wise man say... follow your heart... go after your passion


i am here... getting up everyday... brush.. shit..(sequence may vary) bath and run to office, do some work.. come back late... have dinner and sleep

and repeat same every day

now i say ...this is life... grow up... get married... have a kid or two...get them married... and wait for their kids

hahhahaha... not my life

i had rather dead than living... but where is my life ???

doing what i enjoy doing or enjoying whatever i do... to much drunk to think further


  1. There's no meaning for only "MY" or "me" in Life! Life is not mine alone at all! It's everybody's, who all connected with me. There's no My Life, it's all ours! That's why adjustment.....compromise....and finally Little Inspiration For Enjoyment!

  2. Thanks Vasant. for comments

    you are planes above me... i lost touch with you... you climbed the steps and me still here.. hhahahah

    any way catch u soon (dont want to.. but i may b thats life)

    catch my next blog... you have opened a pandora box (or is it Abbe's trunk... wherein everything from her marriage days are available.)

    Thanx again for showing the diff way to look at life

  3. Life is with you only, but you are so buzy running for career, money and family that you dont have time to think about yourself...

    Life is all about discovering love, peace and and knowledge which you can carry along with your soul to your next life...

  4. dono much, but i realized dat life for 1ce is mostly nver how or what u wanted it to be, but is how close u can make it to how u wat to be, from how it is. Besides if everything in life wud go as u plan den life will only be a proven formula and not an interesting uncertainity.
    but i dont mean to imply dat evry1 has 2 adapt but evolve rather.

  5. agree..nicely put.. it is all in one's head (or say THOUGHTS - better still) what they percieve as life.

    Sunny bhai - i think we are all running away from life...and call it as running after carrier

    thnx for comnets anyways

  6. Life is always uncertain! expecting unexpected is "LIFE". but thats the irony :)
