Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who is ME ???

all along i was confused about my existance...questions like..
do i exist ?... why i am here ?
did i choose this life or was it an accident ?
choice or accident...what am i doing here ?
why i do what i do ?
endless questions.. and no concrete answers.

Some of the thoughts given bellow are refined after i googled... and appealed to me.

i do believe i exist, it is only that THOUGHT (i believe i exist) makes me believe that i exist...that mean i exist in my thoughts (and same goes for all who know me... i exist in their thought)..

is it that simple ??? all in THOUGHTS nothing physical... hmm.. difficult to digest

on other hand... very simple ..what a relief.. i can erase anyone from MY existance any time (and any one can erase my existance as well)

But if everything is in THOUGHTS... Y do people make their life so misareable running after material things.. killing people..

DONT ASK ME becuase I am not too sure you exist for me :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

what is that so called life

wondering for so long and no conclusions yet...

what is this LIFE...
all of the so called wise man say... follow your heart... go after your passion


i am here... getting up everyday... brush.. shit..(sequence may vary) bath and run to office, do some work.. come back late... have dinner and sleep

and repeat same every day

now i say ...this is life... grow up... get married... have a kid or two...get them married... and wait for their kids

hahhahaha... not my life

i had rather dead than living... but where is my life ???

doing what i enjoy doing or enjoying whatever i do... to much drunk to think further

At Last

Hi All
it is almost a year since i thought that i too should start blogging. kept on delaying it because of no reason.

here i am At Last. trying to post my thoughts about anything and everything under this roof (of SKY), about my life, experiences, adventures and many more.

Please note this blog is not mean to hurt any sentiments of any kind

Wish me all the best
